TEN + TEN for juicy bones and joints!

Take your Nia practice deeper with a daily, gentle healing routine inspired by Nia’s Five Developmental Stages of the human experience. We have crafted a well-being practice to increase flexibility, mobility and strength - especially when moving up and down from the floor just for you, our beloved students. 

We call this workshop TEN + TEN!

What is TEN + TEN?

A 10-week, supported, self-paced program you can do at home in your own time to build strength, expand flexibility, increase mobility and boost your confidence in moving vertically through space. Think of it as a 10-minute conditioning workout for bones and joints delivered to you over 10 weeks.  TEN + TEN!

What’s in it for me?

  • Healthy, juiced up joints and fluidity

  • Improved strength and flexibility

  • Confidence to move up and down from the floor

  • Improved cognitive ability and mental sharpness

  • Decreased anxiety and reduced cortisol in the body to relieve stress

  • Boosted spirits to feel energized and happy. It’s a great way to start your day!

  • Convenience - You won’t have to travel to the studio. Take it with you wherever you go!

As yours to keep and refer to time and time again, you can easily tweak and modify the moves to suit your body’s needs. 

How does it work?

We will send you one email each Sunday for the 10 weeks of the program with instructions on how to complete one of the 10 steps. We’ll also send a short video to show and tell you what to do. 

The movements will build week by week. For example, during week 1, you will receive and practice the first move; for week 2, you will receive the second move with instructions to practice moves 1 and 2; for week 3 you’ll practice moves 1, 2 and 3, and so on, until you reach the 10th move. You’ll practice each for one minute or longer.

By the end of the 10-week program you’ll have a full 10-minute gentle healing practice that you can engage in several times per week or daily if you want!

When incorporated, this series of movements will have the potential to bring about improved alignment, joint function and comfort in the body.

You will also have the option of including 10 regular Nia dance classes with the supported self-study workshop.

Option 1: Bundle the TEN + TEN supported self-study workshop WITH a 10-class studio or online Nia pass, with no expiration date.  

Option 2: Purchase the TEN + TEN supported self-study workshop WITHOUT the 10-class studio or online Nia pass. 

What can I expect?

In addition to weekly instructions and videos, the TEN + TEN supported self-study workshop includes:

  • kick-off Zoom call to welcome you into the program, tips to get the most from the workshop and answer remaining questions

  • pre- and post-program self assessment for you to measure your results

  • printed “cheat sheet” to remind you of each step in the movement series

  • optional mid-program Zoom call for additional support 

  • access to Nia teachers before or after studio classes for consultation

  • closing Zoom call to celebrate your success and harvest your lessons learned

  • certificate of completion

  • invitation to a regularly scheduled studio class featuring the TEN + TEN movement series

With so much to gain, why wait?

What’s my investment?

~ Purchase the TEN + TEN supported self-study workshop WITH a 10-class studio or online Nia pass (no expiry on classes) for just $200. That’s a great price of $15 per class! 

~ OR purchase the TEN + TEN supported self-study workshop alone for $50.

What’s my next step?

Purchase your TEN + TEN bundle or solo package the next time you are in the studio, or use Venmo to find HTX-Nia and secure your spot. Include “Ten +”  in the comments. Or purchase on PayPal with payment to HTXNIA@gmail.com.

Sales begin January 25th. You’ll have until Feb. 10 to grab your spot. We’ll host a kickoff zoom meeting on Sunday February 12. Upon registration you will receive more detailed information. For questions, contact us at HTXNIA@gmail.com.

We look forward to continuing the New Year Nia You journey together with TEN + TEN!

Questions and Answers

  1. If I purchase a bundle, will the 10-class pass expire? No, it will not expire. Use it just the same as any other studio pass.

  2. What if I just purchased a regular studio pass? No problem! We’ll put your regular pass on hold until you use up the TEN + TEN pass, then resume the regular pass — or other way around.

  3. I’m interested, but what if I can’t attend the kickoff Zoom call? The kickoff session will be recorded and we’ll send you a copy.

  4. How do I pay? Purchase the TEN + TEN workshop or bundle by credit card in the studio. Or use Venmo to send us your enrollment fee. Find us on Venmo at HTX-Nia. To use PayPal, direct the funds to HTXNIA@gmail.com

  5. Will I need special equipment? No special equipment is needed. However, you may find that a yoga mat comes in handy for hard floors.

  6. What if I miss a week or two? The workshop is completely self-paced. If you miss a week, just practice at your next convenient opportunity.


Nia and Soulful Healing Jam


Bone and Joint conditioning workout - Learn how!