Exercise Boosts Immunity
During this time of uncertainty surrounding the corona virus outbreak, it’s more important than ever to keep our immune systems in good order. As Nia lovers, we all know that dancing makes us feel better. But there's also a lot of evidence that daily exercise can help boost your immunity, too.
But how? One way is by reducing anxiety. When you are anxious or worried, your body must use valuable energy to protect itself against real or imagined stressors. That energy is taken away from protecting your immunity. Exercise on the other hand promotes feelings of well being so you can let your guard down. Plus, you are making yourself stronger and more resilient as you condition your cardiovascular system. Dancing is a great way to build heart, lung and muscle capacity. Just don’t overdo it!
During an outbreak, proper hand-washing is your best defense against a virus. Wash for 20 seconds or more using soap and water or use hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol. In addition, you may want to forego hugging and hand-shakes, and embrace "low-touch" salutations such as the elbow bump.
Be sure to keep yourself properly hydrated, eat well, and get plenty of sleep and rest. Wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your face with your hands and cover your coughs and sneezes. Keep on dancing, but if you don’t feel well, stay at home.